Free Stories

The Greatest Lie Part 1
The greatest lie that they tell you is that what happens in high school doesn't really matter: that life begins in college. I pretended to agree, though I never believed it. For as you will see, I am the world's greatest liar. "Take Sadie Hawkins Day, for example," I said to my buddy Qu... Read full Story
My story
My story of my first trans experience, it happened last week on 09/21/2024, I consulted trans people near me on the Internet. Each one more beautiful than the other, it was difficult to choose and especially to be sure to meet the one I needed. Paola by her first name, Italian but with pe... Read full Story
My story
My story of my first trans experience, it happened last week on 09/21/2024, I consulted trans people near me on the Internet. Each one more beautiful than the other, it was difficult to choose and especially to be sure to meet the one I needed. Paola by her first name, Italian but with pe... Read full Story
It all began the summer my smoking habit had grown into a 2 pack a day habit and MOTHER was very PROUD of ME. Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm a qualified BITCH, born a boy, but home schooled to become a BITCH in HEAT. My MOM lost my DAD when I was three and we lived on a sprawling esta... Read full Story