Another day in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Gosh I am bored. I walk through the corridors of the Carleton University library, yawning and stretching at the prospect of an all-nighter because my take-home midterm is due in the morning. As I make my way to my usual spot on the second floor, a wide-eyed white chick sitting in the back glances at me, as does a tomboyish African chick and a Hispanic dude. I flash them a smile, and go to my seat. Doesn't matter where I am, being Black and male never gets old. People will stare at you, no matter what. Got to love it.
My name is Trevor James Stephens, but my friends call me T.J. for short. I was born in the City of Boston, Massachusetts. My parents James and Tina Stephens are immigrants from the island of Jamaica who settled in New England. Two years ago, while visiting relatives in the town of Mississauga in the summer of 2011, I opted to stay in Canada and study at a Canadian school since they're cheaper than the colleges and universities in the U.S. I've sometimes questioned the wisdom of that decision. America has its share of problems, as evidenced by the cold shoulder President Barack Obama gets from much of the country even after beating Mitt "the great white hope" Romney and winning a second term.
Back in 2008, as a wide-eyed eighteen-year-old, I voted for that man. I still like him, even when he does things that piss me off like NOT kicking Republican ass on the Congress floor and palling around with the radical Islamist dude who's President of Egypt. I mean, women's rights are endangered in Egypt because of the new Islamist regime and Coptic Christians are persecuted daily by radical Muslims but Obama seems to have nothing but love for the bearded creep who runs Egypt. What in hell has my favorite POTUS has been drinking? These are religious lunatics who hate us!
Anyhow, as much as America has its problems, it's still leaps and bounds ahead of Canada when it comes to racial relations. Canadians are the most bigoted people I've ever seen.